MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Growing-Up Milk is specially prepared for your child's growing years and are available in two variants:
1 to 3 years: MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Neo Kid
4 years & above: MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Super Neo Kid
The Goodness of Pure Natural Milk
Children require well-balanced nutrition to support their rapid physical growth and mental development during their early childhood. At the same time, maintaining a healthy digestive system and building a strong immune system are equally important.
Brimming with the goodness and taste of pure natural milk, MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Premium Growing-Up Milk helps meet important aspects of your child’s growth. MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Step 3 Neo Kid is specially formulated for children between one and three, while Step 4 Super Neo Kid is for children four years and over. Both contain:
Phospholipids, fortified with Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylserine
Promote optimal brain health and function
Enhance cognitive development, memory formation and retention, and cellular communication
Associated with improved memory and learning ability
Essential for growth and proper function of cells
Phospholipids also help maintain digestive health
Find out more about Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylserine HERE
Sphingolipids, fortified with Sphingomyelin
and Gangliosides
Play key roles in enhancing brain function, mental development, learning ability and memory formation
Regulate cell growth and are important for cell recognition, cell signaling and cell communication
Enhance gastrointestinal maturation and health
Protect against bacterial toxins and infection
Aid in regulating cholesterol and may even help reduce the risk of colon cancer
Find out more about Sphingolipids, Sphingomyelin and Gangliosides HERE
DHA, ARA, SA & Choline
Important for brain, visual, neural and immune system development
Aid memory formation and performance
Help increase learning ability
5 Types of Nucleotides
Help increase levels of DHA and ARA in the body
Help improve memory and learning ability
Help build a healthy immune system
Oligosaccharide (Galactosyllactose)
Promotes growth of Bifidobacteria in the intestines for healthy digestive system
Helps reduce constipation
With no added sugar and flavouring, MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Neo Kid and Super Neo Kid retain the all-natural taste and goodness of milk that children love!
MEGMILK SNOW BRAND Growing-Up Milk is made in Australia and are available in 900-gram packing.
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